What's Valentine's Day mean to you? A day to spend and appreciate your loved one? A day to buy your mother flowers and make sure everything is alright with her? A day to be bitter because you don't have a woman/man? Or is it just another day? No matter how you may feel about today, EVERYONE feels a little different on February 14th every year. Whether you're happily in a relationship, happily single, or the bitter bitch that doesn't have a Valentine...something is on your mind today. For me Valentine's Day has always been a day of thought, whether I've had someone to share it with varies year by year. This day in particular has always made me appreciate the love all around me, whether it's been from a young lady or my family, I make sure I take time to humble myself and think twice about how good I have it. While relationships haven't always worked out for me, I've never lacked love at any point in my life.
But I'd be lying if I told y'all it's always all good on the 14th. In life you're never guaranteed a happy ending, and you've got to take your losses along with your victories, and Valentine's Day is no different. We all have our ups and our downs, but how we handle them individually will determine the winners in the end. So I respect the women out there who don't have anyone to share the day with, but haven't been on social networks whining about it and acting bitter for the past month. One time for those out there in relationships, to the women who make themselves easy to love, and my n words who hold it down for them.
I leave you with this, a new song by my brother M.e.Z, "My Love My Bitch My Future", to show you multiple sides of the spectrum. Appreciate what you have, or be patient and realize that we all have our time. Download link can be found on the right side of the music player. Happy February 14th ladies.
My Love My Bitch My Future by M.e.Z
appreciate it yo.